Ethiopian Opal: Color, History, Healing Properties, Symbolism and More

Ethiopian Opal: Color, History, Healing Properties, Symbolism and More

Ethiopian Opal, also known as Welo opal or Wollo opal, is a hydrophane gemstone mined from the foothills of Ethiopia. Initially discovered in 1994 in the Menz Gesche District of Ethiopia's Shewa Province, it is typically opaque to translucent in color. Produced in a specific area of stratified volcanic rock, Ethiopian opal forms as silica-bearing water seeps through rock pores. This gemstone is revered for enhancing the connection between body and spirit, restoring balance, and promoting positive emotions. Its unique play of colors, known as opalescence makes it a sought-after choice for jewelry enthusiasts and collectors alike, offering a blend of aesthetic beauty and metaphysical properties that resonate deeply with its wearers.

Ethiopian Opal Meaning

Ethiopian opal derives its name from its country of origin. The term "opal" itself has disputed origins, with some tracing it to the Sanskrit word úpala, meaning "precious stone," while others link it to the Greek opallios, associated with "seeing" and "others." Ethiopian opal's allure for jewelry lies in its mesmerizing play of colors, known as opalescence. Women are drawn to its vibrant hues and iridescence, which range from fiery reds and oranges to soothing blues and greens, reflecting light in a way that captivates the eye and enhances any piece of jewelry with its unique beauty.

Ethiopian Opal Geological Properties

Ethiopian opals are mainly hydrophane in nature. Instead of being formed underground when silica-rich water evaporates, leaving opal in cracks and voids, hydrophane opals form in nodules in stratified igneous rocks due to volcanic activity. Rather than sedimentary rocks, volcanic ash has played a more critical role in creating the hydrophane Ethiopian opals.

Hydrophane opals are extremely porous, which means they absorb much more water than other types of opals which are mostly sedimentary. When a hydrophane opal is submerged under water, they become almost transparent, and when taken out, they assume a milky color. It will take some time before the opal resumes its former appearance.

Hydrophane Ethiopian opal is famous for its striking play of color. It can be found in many hues, with some undergoing a kind of treatment like dyeing, smoking, or soaking it in sugar and acid. However, Ethiopian opals that have been treated are less expensive than opals with naturally beautiful colors.

Ethiopian Opal History: Where is Ethiopian opal found?

Ethiopian opals are mined in three major locations: Menz Gishe District, Shewa Province, found in 1994; Wegel Tena, Wollo Province, discovered in 2008; and the most recent one in 2013, still in Wollo Province but 100 kilometers away from the second discovered mine.

Ethiopian opal has been revered since the Middle Ages for its purported protective qualities against failing vision and its ability to enhance mental acuity and memory. Believed to ward off negative energies, opals are recommended by crystal experts for meditation, aiding in concentration. In ancient times, people wore opals and immersed them in water, viewing them as divine gifts embodying the presence of gods. These beliefs underscore the enduring spiritual significance and practical uses of opals throughout history, connecting wearers to higher realms and promoting a sense of divine protection and guidance.

Even today, opal is still revered and admired by many for its ethereal beauty. Ethiopian opal gemstone in particular is steadily becoming more popular because of its majestic color play, which is quite unlike other opal varieties. More importantly, perhaps, is that a stunning Ethiopian opal is more affordable, which also makes it more accessible to many people who want opals themselves.

What does Ethiopian Opal mean spiritually?

Ethiopian opal holds many meanings and is believed to provide a host of benefits to its owner, contrary to the belief it’s unlucky.

As I’ve already mentioned, Ethiopian opals are believed to help their owners become invisible. It’s also said to give psychic abilities, including clairvoyance.

Spiritually, Ethiopian opal has a different meaning.

It’s believed to help one bring their deepest thoughts and feelings to the surface, even those that they were either unaware of or denying existence. If you choose to hide a painful past or emotion behind a veil, Ethiopian opal will help you confront those feelings to free you from suffering and the clutches of the past. It’s a stone of self-reflection.

It fills one’s heart with hope and enthusiasm, much like how it allows light and color inside it. Once you have the strength and confidence to deal with your difficult feelings, Ethiopian opal will bring you to light and uplift your spirit.

Ethiopian opal can also magnify emotions, so be careful when handling it. Although it could help purify dark thoughts, it’s best to use it alongside other stones so instead of amplifying negativity it could increase positive energy.

Ethiopian opal is renowned for aiding those struggling with indecision, communication issues, or pessimism. Its ability to promote emotional balance and healing makes it popular in corporate settings. By wearing Ethiopian opal, individuals seek to enhance clarity of thought, improve decision-making skills, and foster positive communication. Its soothing energy and vibrant play of colors also contribute to a sense of optimism and creativity, encouraging a productive and harmonious environment. Whether worn as jewelry or kept close as a talisman, Ethiopian opal serves as a powerful ally in navigating challenges and achieving personal and professional growth.


Modern Use of Ethiopian Opal

Ethiopian Opal is now used to enhance a person's spiritual skills and open the wearer's spiritual third eye. Some say that wearing opals can improve intuition, aiding in success and decision-making. In modern times, this gemstone has gained popularity for these benefits. Opals are associated with the planet Venus, which is linked to love, beauty, and harmony. The captivating play of colors within Ethiopian Opals is believed to stimulate creativity and bring clarity to emotional states, making them a favorite among those seeking spiritual growth and inner balance. This unique gemstone not only enhances one's spiritual journey but also serves as a symbol of love and positivity, resonating with the harmonious energy of Venus.

Proper Care and Cleansing of Ethiopian Opal

Ethiopian Opal needs proper care, especially in cleansing. If you recently bought this gemstone, Pran Prathishta is essential. This involves cleansing with mantras and incense sticks. To properly cleanse and recharge your opal, start by rinsing it with clean water to remove any physical impurities. Next, immerse it in a bowl of rainwater for a few hours to purify it. Afterward, place the opal under the moonlight overnight, preferably during a full moon, to recharge its energy. The combination of rainwater and moonlight revitalizes the gemstone's spiritual properties, ensuring it remains powerful and effective. Regular cleansing and recharging help maintain the opal's potency, enhancing its ability to support spiritual growth and intuition.

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