5 Powerful gemstone for the Full Moon | Best gemstone for the Full Moon | Crystal Healing

5 Powerful gemstone for the Full Moon | Best gemstone for the Full Moon | Crystal Healing

Full moons are magical times when the veil between the physical and spiritual dimensions is thin. The potent energies of a full moon enhance our intuition and help us tap into our psychic abilities. Our emotions are heightened and we become more sensitive, reflective and perhaps a bit more anxious than usual.

That is why during the full moon it becomes extremely important to stay grounded and practice self-care. Full moons are usually not the best time for decision making and taking action, since the cosmic energies guide us to turn our focus inward and do some much-needed soul-searching. We should also work on releasing expectations during this time.

Full moons also tend to bring unexpected shake-ups and radical changes that show us where we are holding on too tightly and what needs to be released. When the fullness of the moon has stirred up our hidden emotions, we might feel it’s time to turn the page and let go of things that are no longer serving us so that we can live our fullest lives.

5 Gemstones for Harnessing the Full Moon’s Energies

1. Citrine for Manifestation

Full moons are powerful times for visualization and manifestation of your heart´s desires. It is during these times that the seeds you have previously planted start to bear fruit and the flow of abundance is activated.

Working with a citrine crystal helps you attract financial prosperity and success on every level. It is a crystal that has incredibly uplifting and positive vibes that boost your energy levels and vitality. Citrine supports you in turning your dreams into reality, as its high-vibrational energy bridges the gap between the physical and spiritual realms.

During the night of the full moon, make a list of your heart´s desires and place it under your pillow or somewhere near your bed together with a citrine crystal. This will help you manifest your dreams. It is important that you feel positive and joyful while writing the list and thinking about what you wish to draw in.

2. Multi Fluorite for Clarity

During the full moon, things can seem foggy, and you might feel a sense of confusion. Remember not to overthink things and try to go from your head into your heart. However, if you need to make an important decision, turn to fluorite crystal for support. Meditating with a Multi Fluorite stone crystal can help you regain your sense of purpose and direction.

This translucent stone has purifying, calming and balancing properties, and it helps you focus your mind on the here and now. Placing this multi fluorite crystal anywhere in your home or workspace during the full moon helps to clear away negative and unsettling energy and fill your space with bright and radiant vibes. Should you feel that your emotions are running high, just hold a piece of fluorite in your hands, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and feel a sense of peace and clarity take over.

3. Black Onyx for Grounding

Black Onyx is a powerful gemstone perfect for deep introspection. Wearing an onyx crystal as a pendant or bracelet during the full moon offers protection against anger and negativity, while grounding and balancing your energies when your emotions are about to erupt. Using onyx as a full moon crystal aids in releasing harmful attachments and self-destructive patterns.

If a toxic relationship has been draining your energies, turn to onyx for a boost of strength and self-confidence. This onyx crystal helps you step into your power, face your shadow side, and overcome deep-rooted fears. It also has the potential to trigger unhealed wounds, allowing them to be purged in the light of your awareness. Embrace onyx to navigate emotional turbulence, gain clarity and foster resilience, making it an indispensable tool for personal growth and transformation during the full moon.

4. Aquamarine for Truth & Surrender

This gorgeous light blue gemstone connects you with the life-giving waters of our planet. Since ancient times, aquamarine stones have been associated with the ocean and mermaids. It is believed that these crystals offer protection on sea voyages.

Ocean tides are strongly affected by the full moon, and because aquamarine has such a powerful connection with the ocean, it is a wonderful crystal to work with during this time. It helps you shed light on messy situations and uncover the hidden motives of others. Aquamarine is a crystal of truth that aids in being honest about your intentions and expressing your feelings openly. It reminds us that we are all part of a boundless ocean of energy. Just like the waves, we dance along the surface of this vast ocean, ceaselessly transforming and changing from birth to death, again and again.

Since aquamarine is closely connected to the throat chakra, the most effective way to harness the energies of this crystal is to wear it as a necklace or earrings so that it stays close to your throat area. This placement enhances your ability to communicate clearly and confidently, promoting a sense of calm and balance. By integrating aquamarine into your full moon rituals, you can align more deeply with the natural rhythms of the earth, fostering both emotional healing and spiritual growth. Embrace the serene and stabilizing energy of aquamarine to navigate the ebb and flow of life's challenges with grace and clarity.

5. Moonstone for Good Connection & Dreams

During the full moon, moonstone helps you receive guidance and messages from your guardian angel and spirit guides. This crystal of fertility and sensuality enhances your intuition, connecting you with your inner Divine Goddess. The serene and subtle energies of moonstone also bring relief from sleeplessness and help attract your soulmate while increasing passion in your romantic relationships.

To use moonstone for manifesting love, write down the qualities and personality traits you would like your soulmate to have on a small piece of paper. Place this paper under your pillow along with a moonstone during the night of the full moon. This ritual harnesses the potent energy of the full moon, amplifying your intentions and drawing love into your life. The soothing vibrations of moonstone promote emotional balance and allowing you to open your heart and receive love with greater ease. Additionally, it enhances your dream work, enabling you to receive insightful messages and guidance from your subconscious mind.

Embrace the full moon's energy with moonstone to deepen your spiritual connections, enhance your romantic life, and foster a sense of inner peace and harmony. This powerful stone supports you in aligning with your highest self, making it an essential tool for personal and spiritual growth during the full moon.

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